We accept returns within 30 days of the original purchase date. You must have an order # or invoice # to associate with the return. You must obtain an RMA for all returned items BEFORE shipping them back to us. All returns must be in original new condition to receive credit to your account. Due to damages in shipping, for returns we ask that all levers be wrapped and boxed individually. Any returns that arrive damaged will not be credited and be returned at customer expense. All return item refunds are given as store credit, no monetary refunds are given. Replacement items are only offered for damage caused in shipping or as otherwise permitted by the manufacturers warranty. Shipping is automatically forfitted on any return.
All returns are subject to a minimum $6.50 Labor Fee per lever to unbox, disassemble and put back into our inventory. This fee also includes building the replacement set, packaging, boxing and labeling for reshipment. Customer is responsible for reshipment expenses.
Pro Gear Industries
Attn: Return Dept.
6700 N. Linder Rd. Ste. 156A Box 419
Meridian, ID 83646